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Introducing our dedicated team, passionately driven to support individuals in elevating their consciousness, guided by universal love and wisdom from Our Father Creator.

Taita Alejandro Rojas Krejcy

Medicine Man • Teacher • Healer

I am the son of Julio Hernan Rojas and María Nohemí Krejcy. I have been under the constant influence of my maternal grandmother, Filomena Cautuayo Angulo, an indigenous woman from the Muisca community in the Cundinamarca area of Colombia. I was taken under the wing of my Taita, Ruber Garreta Chindoy, a Taita from the Inga Community in Putumayo.

I had been a seeker in the spiritual path for many years, always feeling that life encompasses more than rigid rules and explanations that marginalize others. When I drank Yagé for the first time, I connected with my indigenous lineage and the possibility of continuing my spiritual work from other existences, being only an instrument to transmit ancestral information.

There is no need to speak of years or credentials with written words to demonstrate my knowledge. What I can say is I am a Medicine Man; my word has value, and when I say yes, it means yes; a no means no. I am committed to the cause of Universal love, speaking the language of Love, and making my help available to anyone in need.

Discovering and rediscovering myself every day, I am only an apprentice of the Perfect Architect, hand in hand with the Grandparents and Master Companions from different existences. With much love in my heart, I share with others joy, harmony, music, dance, and universal art.


Sandra Rojas

Wife • Mother • Jewelry Artisan

I am Sandra, wife, companion, and friend of Taita Alejandro. Our journey together in this existence began 16 years ago. It was then that I met the loves of my life, Alejandro and Grandfather Yagé. At that time, I neither knew nor understood anything about this sacred medicine. I never imagined that it would become a part of me and my life, that this medicine would awaken my inner being, my potential, and help me understand my purpose. It would be Yagé that would give meaning and understanding to my existence. It has been a beautiful journey, though not at all easy. You must face challenges, get to know yourself, and, most importantly, learn to love yourself so that you can then offer love to others—'love,' those four letters that encompass everything.

I love and support my husband with all my being. I accompany him in every step he takes because we do it together. We have laughed and cried together, learning and unlearning each day. I love his dedication and deep commitment to the beautiful souls that come into our lives, awakening their inner selves and then walking together. I love our entire Munay family. I live in gratitude for being where I am now. I thank the universe, our Creator, my guides, and, of course, our Grandfather Yagé for my existence.

Deimar Flores

Musician • Disciple • Assistant

Before sharing a Yagé ceremony with Taita Alejandro, Deimar had already been participating in such ceremonies for four years. Upon receiving the medicine, he embarked on a journey of contributing to the sacred space. Currently, he has been an integral part of the team for five years. Deimar consistently attends to retreat guests and their needs, providing continuous assistance with a remarkable service-oriented attitude while adhering to Taita Alejandro's guidance. Furthermore, his singing prowess and guitar skills play a crucial role in the ceremonial music. Deimar also ensures the preparation of the space and maintains a mesmerizing fire throughout the ceremonies, always paying homage to the grandfather fire as a central figure for transformation.


Nicole Santamaria

Translator • Assistant • Student

Nicole has served as the retreat translator since the beginning of 2020, having shared Yagé ceremonies with Taita Alejandro for a year prior, fully immersing herself in the exploration of this compassionate medicine. A Colombian native, Spanish is her mother tongue, and she had already been honing her English language skills for a decade. The opportunity to assist as a translator emerged as a beautiful synchronicity of life. Nicole readily aids whenever Taita Alejandro seeks a conduit to convey his wisdom and ancestral knowledge to English-speaking guests, whether in open conversations, one-on-one sessions, integration circles, translating music lyrics, or facilitating dialogue during ceremonies, among other roles. Furthermore, she willingly extends her assistance to guests in various capacities during their time in Colombia. Additionally, Nicole contributes to communication efforts within Inner Rising Retreats as a social media management assistant, including captioning Taita Alejandro's messages into English.

Drew Nicoll

Founder • Musician  • Student

Drew, affectionately known as Oso, stands as a beacon of transformation within the realm of Inner Rising Retreats, a sanctuary he co-founded. His transformative journey began in early 2017 when he embarked on a profound expedition to Colombia alongside his now beloved partner, Emily. It was there, amidst the mystical embrace of the Colombian landscapes, that Drew encountered Taita Alejandro and the sacred plant medicine, Ayahuasca. This encounter ignited a fervent passion within him, becoming the catalyst for his unwavering dedication to Inner Rising Retreats' evolution.

Since that pivotal moment, Drew's vision and steadfast commitment have been instrumental in nurturing the growth and expansion of Inner Rising Retreats. A perpetual student of Taita Alejandro's wisdom, Drew can often be found immersed in the ceremonial space, eagerly absorbing the teachings imparted at his mentor's side. Drawing upon his innate musical talents, Drew skillfully weaving the enchanting tunes of the flute, harmonica, and sacred drum into the fabric of the transformative experience.


Drew has an infectious sense of humor, he effortlessly cultivates a sense of ease and connection among fellow journeyers, guiding them through the depths of their inner landscapes with gentle encouragement and lighthearted banter.


Emily Nicoll

Founder • Coordinator • Student

Emily's journey with Ayahuasca began in 2015, a serendipitous encounter that she describes as the medicine finding her. At the time, she was navigating the rugged landscapes of self-discovery while traversing Costa Rica solo. In early 2017, her path led her to the Putumayo region in Colombia, where she sat in ceremonies under the guidance of Taita Alejandro and his teacher Taita Ruber.

It was within the sacred embrace of the Amazon that Emily and Taita Alejandro's spiritual communion began, igniting a profound kinship that would shape the course of her destiny. Taking the initiative, Emily orchestrated the inaugural Inner Rising Retreat alongside Taita Alejandro. 

The maiden voyage of Inner Rising Retreats saw Emily joined by her now-husband Drew and her closest confidant. The depth of the experience left an indelible imprint on their souls, catalyzing Emily's unwavering commitment to sharing the profound healing potential of Ayahuasca with others. She wholeheartedly dedicates herself to curating immersive retreat experiences, meticulously coordinating every aspect with unwavering devotion.

In her role as the orchestrator of Inner Rising Retreats, Emily's nurturing presence extends far beyond logistical coordination. She serves as a beacon of support and guidance for participants, offering compassionate assistance in pre-ceremony preparations and post-ceremony integration. Through her profound connection with the medicine, Emily has unearthed the voice that has long resided within her, illuminating a path of purpose and authenticity that resonates with unwavering clarity.

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